1. How does ALianDiLe ship?

ALianDiLe usually ships via DHL courier within 2-5 business days after ordering.

2. How long does it usually take to receive your order?

Your package is usually delivered within 1 to 6 business days after dispatch. However, depending on national customs regulations, the shipping time may take longer than 6 days. ALianDiLe is not responsible for any delays caused by these procedures.

3. What payment methods does ALianDiLe accept?

We accept all major credit cards, including Visa, Mastercard, AMEX, Discover, and we accept PayPal payments, Apple Pay and Google Pay. We also accept direct bank transfers.

4. Do your prices include taxes?

All prices are inclusive of VAT and customs duties.

5. What is your refund policy?

ALianDiLe will refund within 30 days of receipt of the goods, provided that the product is still in the original packaging and there are no signs of use or misuse. Qualifying returns must be sent by registered mail. We will refund the full amount you paid for your order.